
We know excuses

Mediocre athletes created in 2019 to provide competitors and race promoters with a fun way to finish a race. We also do creative advertising to promote products through memorable and direct advertising at races and in stores. We’ve all had excuses as to why we didn't finish a race the way we planned. Why not make it easy and provide everyone with a great excuse for missing the podium or that PR and still leave them with that winning smile.



As an avid yet always mediocre racer, founder and owner Jake Boyce has uttered his fair share of excuses. He’s promoted and competed in almost all types of race on two skis, two wheels, or two shoes. As he gets older and slower, it’s convenient to have an excuse for a less than ideal performance on hand!

“I don’t do well in the cold.” - Surfing on Lake Superior, 2018

“I don’t do well in the cold.” - Surfing on Lake Superior, 2018

“I started way too hard.” - Telluride Mountain adventure, 2019

“I started way too hard.” - Telluride Mountain adventure, 2019



Sean looooooves cookies and he can always come up with a ridiculous excuse for why he didn't win. He’s a pretty ideal fit for our company. After serving in the US Army, he is ecstatic to be racing bikes again. Sean now lives the dream on the East Coast, spreading the Excuse Cookies ethos at athletic events.


Assistant Excuse Denier 

Klaus has been trail running along all sorts of adventurous humans since he was 8 weeks old. He prefers mountain biking and skiing because that is the only way we can keep up. He has heard all of the excuses, and doesn’t put up with a single one.

Vizsla Trail Dog

Vizsla Trail Dog